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Choose the right polish for your nails

After making a perfect manicure, spread the nail polish in order to have flawless hands. Here you are some tips.

Choose the right polish for your nails Choose the right polish for your nails

First of all, you shall apply a coat of clear base, both to strengthen nails and to prevent unsightly stains on nails.

Shake the polish to avoid lumps and put your hand on a rigid surface, holding it open. Spread a first layer of lacquer: once dried (you can use a spray that accelerates drying or dip your hands in cold water), re-apply a second layer, being careful not to exceed with the quantity.

Which colour?
You must know that:
Light colors mask the small defects of your nails.
Pastel bright colors (orange, copper, purple, etc.) bring out your tan.
Dark colors emphasize the shape of your nails: use them only if you have no imperfections.
Transparent lacquers give a touch of elegance to your hands.

Apply a layer of clear polish at the end of the process in order to have a more lasting colour.

Hand model of the year

Best model of the year: Amy Kane
Amy Kane

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