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Hand and nail care

Mainly used to decorate nails and hands, nail polish is also employed to mask imperfections and defects. If you want to give an extra touch of glamor to your hands, spread it after a perfect manicure and it will be an essential ally for the beauty of your nails.

Hand and nail care Hand and nail care

Tips for a perfect use
First of all, apply a thin clear base coat layer: as well as strengthening your nails, this will help preventing stains or marks. Then apply a first layer of nail polish, and then (especially if you have little time) a spray that accelerates drying time; at this point, swipe another layer of lacquer, paying attention to spread it evenly and not to exceed with quantities. Finally, apply a clear top coat to fix the colour and prolong its duration.

Tricks and tips
Shake your nail polish in order to make it smooth and avoid any air bubble. For a perfect application you should put your hand on a rigid surface and hold it wide open. As an alternative to fixers, for a good drying, you may dip your nails in a bowl with cold water.

Dark nail lacquers give highlight your nails shape; it is important to apply them from the tip of the nail towards the root. It’s better not to use these kind of shades if you have little tapered fingers because they will be emphasized. Light colours mask the defects of hands and nails. We recommend using clear lacquers if you wish to give your hands a more elegant look. In order to bring out your tan, favour pastel colours: orange, red, copper, purple with iridescent or pearly tints.. If you use "orangish" nail polishes, always apply a clear base coat due to their tendency to leave marks.

Hand model of the year

Best model of the year: Amy Kane
Amy Kane

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